Friday 5th May 2023
Many people face mental health struggles in their lives, and at Filtration, we believe it is just as important for us to support the mental health of people as we would a physical health issue. Throughout the year we ensure that we take part in many opportunities to ensure that the understanding of mental health is continually growing in order to support those who we are around.

At Filtration we are taking part in Mental Health Awareness Week UK from May the 15th to the 21st. This year’s theme is anxiety, a feeling many people are familiar with, but that for some people can become a significant mental health issue.
Mental health awareness week encourages us to take a look at the mental health struggles that people may be going through, and also look at opportunities to provide support for those who need it, including those we work with, and those in our wider community.
During this week, along with promoting the important messaging around mental health awareness week, we will be taking the time and opportunity to focus on wider mental health struggles. In order to do this we will be performing acts of kindness to people, running stress management opportunities, and promoting general self care to everyone within the team.

In order to support the mental health of everyone in the workplace our Mental Health First Aider Sarah runs many initiatives to give everyone opportunities to reduce the impact of stressful times at work, take a step back from the day to day responsibilities, and explore mental health assistance if needed. Sarah is a key factor in the mental health safeguarding of our staff with the support she gives.
Once a month Sarah holds a drop in session to allow members of the team to take some time out to talk to her as the trained Mental Health First Aider. This is a confidential check-in that lets her know how people are doing. It is an informal discussion where she is able to see if someone is struggling and if they need signposting to any resources.
This opportunity is also extended to the external sales team over the phone to ensure everyone has access to the help they may need. It has been a successful initiative allowing Sarah insight into the wellbeing of the team, and ensuring she can understand where opportunities may be found to better provide for the mental health for everyone at Filtration as part of our mental health safeguarding responsibilities.
A board of resources is set up in the staff room filled with ideas and information on how people can look after their mental health, both through implementing changes themselves, and assistance they are able to access if necessary. This is where significant campaigns from Mental Health England are regularly listed, such as the ‘address your stress’ week encouraging people to think about their own wellbeing and check in with themselves, and other campaigns which can allow people to take part in further wellbeing development.
On Mondays Sarah takes a weekly walk with members of the team to ensure that people are taking a break and getting up and moving rather than being attached to their desks all day. It is really easy to eat at your desk when you are busy but taking time out is essential. This is something Sarah and the team really look forward to each week and has made a positive impact on staff morale, providing them a nice opportunity to to spend some time together outside and away from their work.
An important part of supporting mental health at Filtration is not only through supporting our staff but also through getting involved with the local community and contributing to helping others. Many of these community initiatives are not only positive for the help they provide, but also fun for those that take part helping to boost their own mental health as well.
Fundraising for charities and donating to the local food bank really help out those in need in the community. Alongside this Filtration is also a community partner for Forest Green Rovers, being involved with them really boosts the community spirit. Doing good for others also feels good for you.
Throughout the summer some time was taken to grow sunflowers and plant wildflowers in planters around the building. Filtration is located in a very industrial location, so the addition of green areas brought a lot of happiness as staff were able to step out and help tend to the flowers in order to improve the environment they spend their time in.
On site employees have started their own little community garden growing plants and vegetables. This encourages our employees to take some time away from their desk, get outside and tend the plants. Along with the green areas and walks, opportunities to spend time with nature in this way continues to benefit people’s mental health in their day.

Mental Health Awareness Week
Further initiatives taking place at Filtration

Wellbeing drop in
Wellbeing Board
Weekly Walks
Community Involvement
Green Areas
Community Garden

We are continually looking to expand on our mental health offerings, and taking part in events like Mental Health Week UK allows us to not only promote positive mental health initiatives but also learn ourselves. In order to support the mental health of our staff and our community this continued growth is important, as it is vital to ensure their wellbeing and that they know they don’t have to go through their mental health struggles alone.